Terms of payment
Payments can be made either in cash or credit in euros to the chauffeur after the transfer or before the start of the journey by online transfer. Final payments are due at the chauffeur at the latest. The timeliness of the payment depends on the successful transaction of the credit card debit of the cab company Oudi Al Kafrey. Payments are used to settle the oldest receivables. In the event of late payment, the cab company Oudi Al Kafrey shall charge interest at a rate of 4 percentage points above the prime rate, subject to further default charges. A reminder fee of € 10 will be charged for the second and each subsequent reminder.
In the event of non-fulfillment of payment obligations, we reserve the right to initiate civil law measures.
Terms of payment for chauffeur service
If you make use of our chauffeur service, the daily flat rate must be paid in advance. The kilometers driven are then billed directly to the driver on site. Billing takes place daily after each booked day.